Monday, February 13, 2012

Death Comes to All

Ok, fair warning. The pictures to follow are pretty graphic, if you have a weak stomach, don’t like the sight of blood or have no interest in seeing the slaughter of an animal….go away, this isn’t for you…

Now, a little back story. When I first moved to Bhutan, I inherited 2 little piglets from the former Chef. He had planned to raise them for a Barbeque party but they weren’t nearly big enough to slaughter by the time he left so I was stuck with them. Due to business levels and a lot of procrastination on my part the piglets turned into massive beasts that eventually were too big for their pig pen.
Not the most comfortable living conditions I admit

Dangerous Beauty

A cactus in the different stages of flowering, is incredibly beautiful. Some times its nice to take time to stop and notice things like this. Just don't touch it....shit hurts.
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