Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Communication is (to me) the most important thing in a kitchen, without it there is no order no structure and nothing would get done (properly at least). You can have endlessly creative chefs and a brilliantly designed kitchen but without proper communication it would never work. Some of the best kitchens border on complete silence during service but this is just a sign of great initial communication. The Chef has communicated well with his staff so they know their responsibilities exactly and can execute them properly.
One of my pet peeves is working in a new kitchen where there is poor communication, I can't stand continually asking for something to do after I finish a task. It's important not to be afraid to ask questions especially when doing something that you are not used to, however it's even more important to jump in and initiate tasks yourself.
Chefs and cooks are obsessive, sometimes sadistic and most of all control freaks, we don't like to ask or be asked the same questions multiple times. I like to border on annoyance when communicating, I'm from the school of "there can never be too much" when it comes to the C word. Whether I'm expediting, on the line, executing a catering event or prepping I make sure to over-communicate so that things run smoothly and nothing falls through the cracks.

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